Hello China Home Foundation readers.
My name is Chrissy and I have been volunteering with the CHF staff for over a month now. My Roommate Julee and I are here to volunteer with these beautiful children for the next 11 months. But I just wanted to introduce myself since I will be posting blogs for the CHF from time to time.
But we've had an amazing month here with the kids but this past week was probably been my favorite time with the girls. Julee and I thought it would be fun to buy a few things of fingernail polish to take to the orphanage to paint the girls fingernails. After the first night of painting finger nails we realized we had seriously underestimated the amount of fingernail polish little girls can apply to their fingernails.
10 more things of fingernail polish + 3 containers of fingernail polish remover = 4 amazing nights of fingernail painting madness.
It was impossible to walk into the "painting" room without leaving with at least 1 finger nail painted. Every night Julee and I left with at least 3 colors on our fingernails and unfortunately some of the boys were even victims of the painting madness. But of course they just turned their painted fingernail into a imaginary fighting weapon or super power. Which was equally entertaining. :)
But it was beautiful to see these girls personalities come out with the different ways they decided to "style" their fingernails. It was evident that the girls were eager to be found beautiful by someone even if that meant they had to apply 10 different colors before they got the perfect color.
They would finish their fingernails and instantly start showing Julee and I their final product. They faces were priceless when we would tell them how beautiful their fingernails were and how beautiful they were.
I was more frustrated at those times with my horrible Chinese language skills than ever before because I wanted to tell them about the God that created them in His image. The God that knows the amount of hair on their heads and the God that created them individually. About the God that knew them and loved them before they were even in their mothers womb.
That nothing on this earth or in the heavens is more beautiful to God than their smiles, their hearts and their little painted fingernails.